For any proposed solution for a conflict situation to be fair, solid and satisfies all parties and last over time it needs to have specific qualities and must include the following attributes that must be given good consideration to ensure the proposed resolution is the correct way to go:


Make sure the proposed resolution is not too good to be true, meaning it should fit in with reality and must be based on facts not hopes or wishes. Be aware of the details, many resolutions seem good at first but when reality hits all the fine details, an unrealistic resolution can fall apart. Also be aware not to be swept into agreeing to something because it feels right in the moment but can cause problems later because not all parties concerned with the implementation part were considered and all details were not carefully studied.


A good resolution to a conflict situation goes beyond just being fair to being satisfying and addressing personal values of each of the parties involved, for example if a team member has a conflict with his supervisor who micro-manages him and a resolution is reached the team member needs to feel that the proposed resolution satisfies his need for autonomy and independence.


The proposed resolution must address all sides of the conflict equally, the interests of all parties should be completely discussed (even if it takes more than one meeting) specifically small details of either small or considerable importance to any of the concerned parties.


A balanced resolution suggests that both parties are ready and willing to give something to the other party. A balanced agreement is a major factor determining its durability, if one of the parties looked back after the agreement was done and started to feel that there was some imbalance, it will be less likely for that person to honor his/her end of the agreement and before you know it you have the same conflict situation again.


For more conflict resolution, check out our Conflict Resolution instant download training program.