
Trainer Guide Samples

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Explain: An organization might employ thousands of people, but callers in general and angry callers in particular, only need one person to take responsibility for helping them and representing the organization. That person is you.

Showing ownership is making the caller feel that you own this problem with him/her, you will personally solve it, follow up and get back to them with a resolution or routing it to someone who will. Being able to give the caller the feeling that his issue will end here. Ownership is taking personal responsibility to solve the problem and making that commitment very clear to the caller.

Ownership creates a clear connection with callers and sends a clear message that says “I own and am part of this situation with you “.

A caller who has a bad experience with your company or product loses faith in your reliability and your ability to deliver what you promised. They need someone to take responsibility so they can feel some control back over their situation. When you as a customer service professional display ownership and show your caller that you own your caller’s problem/s, that it is your problem too, you more effectively represent yourself and your company.

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