
Workbook Samples

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What Customers want?

To provide great customer service a kind of service that compels customers to tell their friends and family members about, then we should not only look at what the customer is asking us to do for him/her (Business need) but how we get that done or the way we treat and handle the customer's emotions is just as important (Emotional need)

Recent research showed that what customers value most are empathic or emotional drivers when dealing with a service provider. Logic will play a part – there is probably a need for them to use your product/service - but when choosing you over your competitors will be largely influenced by how it feels to deal with you. And that is the emotional need.

The first thing customers are looking for is someone competent who knows what he/she is talking about. (the Business need) and the second thing that customers value the most is how they are being treated (Emotional need).

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